⚡️ Ideas
Shauna GM Shauna GM Apr 12, 2023

Add description or note field to search nodes

Explain the problem as you see it

Whenever I use a list/calendar/table search view for nodes, I often find myself confused when I return to it later. No shade on the user interface design, but it's inherently flexible and complex enough that it needs effort to understand. Which means every time I return to a search node, I have to spend a minute or two reacquainting myself.

To share the example that sparked this feature request (although I have thought this many times): the new calendar view shows all the datefields of a node by default. I have a task view that has both "due dates" and "do dates" (do dates are when I plan to do something vs when it's actually due). I'd like to be able to easily toggle between showing just due dates, and showing the do dates too. To toggle, I need to go to the "Date Fields" drop down in the top level navigation bar. This is not something I will easily remember.

Why is this a problem for you?

It costs me a bit of time when I go to a search node and sometimes leads to be fiddling with the settings unnecessarily or even having to redo the node from scratch.

Suggest a solution

I'd love to be able to add a note to a view to explain to my future self what's going on. For now, my fix is to put the note in a sibling node right before the search node, and link to the parent in the side bar. It's a decent fix but it doesn't work if I'm getting to the search node through anything other than the sidebar.

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