⚡️ Ideas
Jasmine Holland Jasmine Holland Apr 2, 2023

More color options for supertags

Explain the problem as you see it

I'm finding the current color options for supertags to be somewhat limiting. Partially because I, aesthetically, don't like many of the color options, so it feels like there are few to choose from.

Why is this a problem for you?

When creating a supertag, I don't enjoy the process of picking a color. I will often pick one and then realize it's a color I already picked for a supertag I use a lot (e.g. #task is green, so I don't want to use green for another frequent supertag).
I also dislike the randomness by which I'm picking a color. I've thought about setting up a schema organization where all supertags of one type are one color group, and might do that but currently it's just a bit of a mess. Because there are so few color options available, this doesn't seem like a viable option anyways.

I realize 13 options is far more than many platforms and this might be a silly thing to focus on! I'd say it feels like a sticky point to me because Tana now contains SO MUCH of my life/data and has so much customization possibility, I want to see it (functionally) carried into the aesthetics.

Suggest a solution

  • Expand supertag color options to contain more within each color family

  • Personally, I prefer having pre-chosen options and then maybe an additional color gradient/hexcode selector
    Definitely don't want the primary method to be by gradient/hexcode as that can be way too much choice and it can be frustrating to find a previously used color without referring back to the original

  • Support for grouping or labeling colors that give information about the supertag's category
    Maybe this could get built into the template! Could do it so that the background color of a supertag is related to a group? E.g. all reading material supertags have a blue background but each article, book, tweet, etc has a different shade of blue text.