⚡️ Ideas
Nick B Nick B Mar 7, 2023

Export to Tana from Readwise

Explain the problem as you see it

Notes captured with Readwise can be exported to Notion, Roam etc but not Tana

Why is this a problem for you?

Readwise is the primary reading and note capture tool.

Suggest a solution

Establish a connection to Readwise to auto export highlights and notes to Tana.

⁨19⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

This is absolutely huge for me. Tana clearly is the future and I love what I'm seeing, but Readwise is an absolutely essential component for me and I've seen enough bad experiences with the unofficial/interim solutions that then leave behind a lot of clutter when the official integrations come into play (e.g. Logseq) so, for the sake of stability and consistency, I only feel comfortable making my migration when there is official support from Readwise and Tana.

This is the one and only thing that is preventing me from making Tana my core life app.

Readwise does have a clearly documented API so I would love to see the Tana folks spend the effort to provide this integration. https://readwise.io/api_deets

Love what you're all doing here.

+1000 to this one, I've just started migrating over from Notion to Tana (gave up on obsidian) but the readwise integration thing is a big one for me too as its such an essential part of my PKM process . . . had a quick look at the interim solutions but still felt clunky so am keeping readwise separate for now

I would suggest to broaden the idea here.

What I would look for is an abstraction that would allow us to bring in objects from outside Tana in a “managed” supertag. One example is a Readwise integration, which could fully sync (two-way) with the Readwise API. I just don't see why it should be limited to Readwise. The same abstraction is useful for todo lists like Todoist, for calendar entries say on Google Calendar, for encrypted notes stored elsewhere. The possibilities are truly endless.

For me, what resonated with Tana is the treatment of queries as “first class citizens”. I'm hopeful data integrations to Readwise, Todoist, Google Calendar, etc., could be too!

Just adding a +1 here. I think it's important to recognize that many, many prospective Tana users will see Readwise and Kindle capabilities as table stakes and won't consider it if they can't get it. (And the same likely applies to an easier import experience from any notetaking platform.)