⚡️ Ideas
Stefano Pagliari Stefano Pagliari Jul 14, 2023

PDF Annotator

Explain the problem as you see it

Tana currently allows the user to read a PDF file without leaving the app. Currently, however, extracting text from that PDF requires to manually copy the relevant text or switch to a different app (e.g. Readwise Reader)

Why is this a problem for you?

Both manually copying the relevant text from the PDF or switching to a different app (e.g. Readwise Reader) create frictions.

Suggest a solution

Integrate in Tana a native PDF annotator that would allow users to annotate files PDF documents once these have been added to Tana and export these annotations as nodes.

⁨2⁩ ⁨Comments⁩

Yeah! Need this feature to complete the workflows involving referencing pdfs. It would also be great, if the different extracts or nodes allows to link reference to a particular position in the pdf.